Did you know about recoveriX? It’s a fantastic proven rehabilitation system designed to help patients with multiple sclerosis. The system combines mental activities with motor functions to provide real-time visual and tactile feedback to the brain, making rehabilitation more effective. For instance, imagine being a stroke patient and being able to imagine a hand movement while receiving visual feedback through a virtual avatar and tactile feedback through electrical muscle stimulation. The combination of feedback can help patients regain the ability to grasp again. Isn’t that amazing?
RecoveriX is a medical procedure that measures the electric activity of the brain (EEG) while a patient imagines moving their hand or foot. When the patient imagines the movement, recoveriX identifies it and triggers an electrical stimulation of the limb. This stimulation causes the limb to move naturally, which patients love, especially if they have been suffering for years. The procedure is repeated 8000 times to connect cognitive functions with motor behavior. This repetition helps the neurons to form new connections so that the patient can relearn the movement. A recoveriX MS patient needs to undergo 30 sessions, each lasting about 45 minutes, ideally 2-3 times per week.
The Multiple Sclerosis therapy treats legs/feet and hands/arms. The treatment reduces spasticity and leads to better fine and gross motoric skills in upper and lower extremities.
Relapse Stage
This stage refers to the sudden worsening of MS symptoms or the occurrence of new symptoms. The recoveriX system can be used to help improve these symptoms.
Remission Stage
In this stage, patients often experience a period of remission where the symptoms stabilize or improve. Rehabilitation such as recovery to maintain functional abilities is highly beneficial in this stage.
Progressive Stage
The aim of rehabilitation is to slow down disease progression and maximize functional abilities using physical therapy or recoveriX.
Scientific Proof
Extensive clinical evidence supports the concept of neuroplasticity. Clinical studies of recoveriX neurorehabilitation showed significant improvement in motor functions, spasticity reduction, and fatigue reduction for stroke and MS patients.
recoveriX Results for Multiple Sclerosis
RecoveriX is a remarkable approach that activates neuroplasticity to help patients recover from physical impairments. The treatment has demonstrated outstanding benefits, including:
– 99% of patients experience a notable improvement in spasticity.
– 99% of patients witness an improvement in their motor functions.
– 95% of patients observe a decrease in fatigue syndrome.
– 99% of patients notice an improvement in their daily activities.
– 95% of patients witness an improvement in their balance and mobility.
– 99% of patients experience an improvement in their walking endurance.
– Bladder control often shows improvement.
– The treatment has no reported side effects.
These results indicate that recovery can be a valuable tool in helping patients regain their physical capabilities.
Connect with us (BNC) today to know more about recoveriX, and whuch rehab centers these applications are applied. We will connect you to the advanced rehabilitation center, where a team of rehab experts and recoveriX in India, provides treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke & many neurological disorders.